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O Arquivo

Esta plataforma contém coleções de literatura publicada e não publicada e recursos multimídia/digitais por membros da comunidade de musicoterapia negra, juntamente com tópicos relevantes que afirmam a personalidade negra e os mundos da vida dentro da teoria, educação, prática e pesquisa da musicoterapia. Você pode encontrar links para artigos, livros, capítulos, comentários, músicas, apresentações, homenagens, teses de graduação e pós-graduação, vídeos e muito mais. Se desejar adicionar um recurso a esta coleção, preencha o formulário de envio de recursos de arquivo BMTN  .

Nota: Esta plataforma está em CONSTRUÇÃO. Enquanto você pode visualizar, classificar e acessar links de recursos, a ferramenta da barra de pesquisa está sendo reconfigurada para aumentar a funcionalidade do usuário.  Fique atento às atualizações.

Note: This is a dynamic platform. Each resource will immediately appear within the selected collections once submitted. Please check all information before pressing "submit." If you have any questions regarding submissions, please feel free to email us at

Resource Category(s)

Personal Narratives:  Verbal and non-verbal or arts-based submissions relating to personal experiences typically shared as a first-person account. This category also includes praxis/reflection-oriented submissions.

Culture & Identity: Submissions that explore cultural lifeworlds, cultural representation, and identity-based topics. Submissions may include topics related to personhood and development, psychological attachment, social learning, traditions and practices, identity development, personhood, psychological attachments,   social learning, , traditions, rituals, practices, identity development, psychological attachments,  

Justice & Equity: bridges disciplinary work and informs music therapy theory, research, and practice within Black communities.

Theory & Practice: focuses on critical community-centered initiatives and projects within Black communities at the intersection of music, wellness, healing, transformation, and justice.

Music & Musicianship: centers the broad spectrum of Black musical representations and aesthetics and the discourses that inform, affirm, and contribute to Black culture and music therapy theory and practice.

Education & Training: shares critical approaches to teaching and learning and community perspectives that can transform music therapy education and training.  

Research: focuses on critical community-centered initiatives and projects within Black communities at the intersection of music, wellness, healing, transformation, and justice.

Career & Profession: centers the broad spectrum of Black musical representations and aesthetics and the discourses that inform, affirm, and contribute to Black culture and music therapy theory and practice.

General/Unspecified: shares critical approaches to teaching and learning and community perspectives that can transform music therapy education and training. 


Coleção de terapeutas de música negra:  features the work of Black membros da comunidade de terapia musical .

Culturally Responsive Practice Collection:  explores multicultural perspectives and critical culturally sustaining practices within music therapy. 

Interdisciplinary Collaborations Collection:  bridges disciplinary work and informs music therapy theory, research, and practice within Black communities.

Coleção de projetos baseados na comunidade:  focuses on critical iniciativas e projetos centrados na comunidade dentro de Black communities na interseção de música, bem-estar, cura, interseção de música, bem-estar, cura, interseção de música, bem-estar, cura  transformation e justiça.

Black Music & Culture:  centers o amplo espectro da Black musical  as representações e estéticas e os discursos que informam, afirmam e contribuem para_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Black cultura e teoria e prática da musicoterapia.

Ensinando para Transgredir: compartilha abordagens críticas de ensino e aprendizagem e perspectivas da comunidade que podem transformar a educação e o treinamento em musicoterapia.  

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