Taskar Labarai
Wannan dandali ya ƙunshi tarin wallafe-wallafen da ba a buga ba da kuma albarkatu masu yawa/dijital ta mambobi na al'ummar Black Music therapy tare da batutuwa masu dacewa waɗanda ke tabbatar da kasancewar Baƙar fata da kuma rayuwar rayuwa a cikin ka'idar maganin kiɗa, ilimi, aiki, da bincike. Kuna iya samun hanyoyin haɗi zuwa labarai, littattafai, surori, sharhi, kiɗa, gabatarwa, girmamawa, karatun digiri da karatun digiri, bidiyo, da ƙari. Idan kuna son ƙara albarkatu zuwa wannan tarin, da fatan za a cika Form Submitaddamar da Albarkatun Taskar BMTN .
Lura: A halin yanzu wannan dandali yana ƙarƙashin GINA. Yayin da kuke iya dubawa, rarrabuwa, da samun damar hanyoyin haɗin yanar gizo, a halin yanzu ana sake saita kayan aikin mashaya don ƙara ayyukan mai amfani. Tsaya don sabuntawa.
Note: This is a dynamic platform. Each resource will immediately appear within the selected collections once submitted. Please check all information before pressing "submit." If you have any questions regarding submissions, please feel free to email us at
Resource Category(s)
Personal Narratives: Verbal and non-verbal or arts-based submissions relating to personal experiences typically shared as a first-person account. This category also includes praxis/reflection-oriented submissions.
Culture & Identity: Submissions that explore cultural lifeworlds, cultural representation, and identity-based topics. Submissions may include topics related to personhood and development, psychological attachment, social learning, traditions and practices, identity development, personhood, psychological attachments, social learning, , traditions, rituals, practices, identity development, psychological attachments,
Justice & Equity: bridges disciplinary work and informs music therapy theory, research, and practice within Black communities.
Theory & Practice: focuses on critical community-centered initiatives and projects within Black communities at the intersection of music, wellness, healing, transformation, and justice.
Music & Musicianship: centers the broad spectrum of Black musical representations and aesthetics and the discourses that inform, affirm, and contribute to Black culture and music therapy theory and practice.
Education & Training: shares critical approaches to teaching and learning and community perspectives that can transform music therapy education and training.
Research: focuses on critical community-centered initiatives and projects within Black communities at the intersection of music, wellness, healing, transformation, and justice.
Career & Profession: centers the broad spectrum of Black musical representations and aesthetics and the discourses that inform, affirm, and contribute to Black culture and music therapy theory and practice.
General/Unspecified: shares critical approaches to teaching and learning and community perspectives that can transform music therapy education and training.
Tarin Ma'aikatan Kiɗa na Baƙar fata : features the aiki na Black Community na_cc781905-5c5
Culturally Responsive Practice Collection: explores multicultural perspectives and critical culturally sustaining practices within music therapy.
Interdisciplinary Collaborations Collection: bridges disciplinary work and informs music therapy theory, research, and practice within Black communities.
Tarin Ayyuka na tushen Al'umma: focuses on critical Community-center initiatives and services in Black_35cbc canji, da adalci.
Black Music & Culture: centers the broad spectrum of Black musical representations and aesthetics and the discourses that inform, affirm, and contribute to_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Black al'ada da ka'idar maganin kiɗa da aiki.
Koyarwa zuwa Wuce: yana raba mahimman hanyoyin koyarwa da koyo da ra'ayoyin al'umma waɗanda za su iya canza ilimin ilimin likitancin kiɗa da horo.
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