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El archivo

Esta plataforma contiene colecciones de literatura publicada e inĆ©dita y recursos multimedia/digitales de miembros de la comunidad afroamericana de musicoterapia junto con temas relevantes que afirman la personalidad y los mundos de vida negros dentro de la teorĆ­a, la educaciĆ³n, la prĆ”ctica y la investigaciĆ³n de la musicoterapia. Puede encontrar enlaces a artĆ­culos, libros, capĆ­tulos, comentarios, mĆŗsica, presentaciones, homenajes, tesis de grado y posgrado, videos y mĆ”s. Si desea agregar un recurso a esta colecciĆ³n, complete el  Formulario de envĆ­o de recursos de archivo de BMTN.






Nota: Esta plataforma se encuentra actualmente EN CONSTRUCCIƓN. Si bien puede ver, ordenar y acceder a enlaces de recursos, la herramienta de la barra de bĆŗsqueda se estĆ” reconfigurando actualmente para aumentar la funcionalidad del usuario.  EstĆ©n atentos a las actualizaciones.

Please select “yes” or “no” to indicate whether or not, in your opinion, the specific learning objectives for this opportunity were met:  

Participants will examine how their understanding of the construct of healing (for themselves and the people they serve) is impacting and/or impacted by their socio-cultural positioning in the world.
Participants will reflect on how their musicking within sessions can be indicative of their socio-cultural positioning within the therapeutic relationship.
Participants will establish a plan of action for structuring their work to better reflect a culturally sustainable, authentic, ethical, and accountable approach to healing.

Please select “yes” or “no” to answer the following questions: 

Was the physical environment conducive to learning?
Was the length of the program appropriate?
Was the amount of material presented sufficient?
Were my educational needs and expectations met?

For the questions below, please use the following rating scale: 

Excellent = 4, Good = 3, Fair = 2, Poor = 1 

Please rate the instructor(s): Presentation style
Please rate the instructor(s): Knowledge of subject and clarity
Please rate the instructor(s): Interaction with participants (Leave blank if no interaction occurred during this opportunity)
Please rate the CMTE content: Quality of relevant information
Please rate the CMTE content: Quantity of relevant information
Please rate the CMTE content: Organization of material

Thanks for submitting!

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