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Donations & Sponsorships

financial supports to further the work


Would you like to financially support our efforts? Every monetary gift we receive furthers the Black Music Therapy Network, Inc.'s mission to support the health and well-being of Black communities through music. Click the donation button below to submit your one-time gift of any amount. BMTN is a 501(c)(3) and donations are tax-deductible. We are thankful for your generous support and willingness to help us reach our goals. 

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BMTN welcomes your recurring gifts as we continue to expand our sphere of impact to include more programs that further support our mission. As a 501(c)(3), monthly sponsor donations are tax-deductible. Please select the donate button, enter the desired monthly sponsorship, and check the monthly donation box. We thank you for your gifts and continued support.

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Fiscal sponsorship is a legal relationship through which a 501(c)3 public charitable organization sponsors an individual or group that requires the benefits of the tax-exempt and legal status of the sponsoring organization to realize a project. Artists often need this tax-exempt status to apply for grants (since most foundations require it to distribute funding) or to fundraise from individuals who prefer to be able to claim their financial contributions as deductions on their taxes.

Are you desiring fiscal sponsorship? BMTN offers grant-specific fiscal sponsorship to fund artist-led projects by an individual, teams, or collective. BMTN accepts grants and tax-exempt donations on behalf of the project and then distributes those funds to the project. The individual, team or collective is responsible for their own accounting and bookkeeping for those funds. We do not assume any legal or fiduciary responsibility for the project.


This sponsorship does not offer tax-deductible status for external contributions through a crowdfunding platform or fundraising events. The fee for grant specific fiscal sponsorship is 7% of your grant or gift amounts. 

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